It’s Good.

Not much to write about these days.  I am just trucking along, working on daily positive thinking.  It’s been good.  I am living with a “pregnant until proved otherwise” philosophy and have been surprised to find it an enormous relief.  It takes work to keep reminding myself that things might not turn out, that Monkey may not still be thriving, that I shouldn’t get too attached … it has been freeing to just allow myself to be.

At 13 1/2 weeks pregnant, I am starting to really imagine the future.  Thinking of feeling Monkey move, seeing him/her again on the ultrasound, finally having people know.  And it’s good.


  1. Rebekah said

    I’m so glad you’re allowing yourself to enjoy your pregnancy with Monkey… my husband and I are planning on trying again soon and the anticipation some days of even trying makes me wonder if I’ll be able to be during the pregnancy itself. Thank you for sharing and I hope you’ll continue to enjoy your time with Monkey… and I’m praying for a happy healthy baby in your arms.

  2. OM said

    I love reading such hope and joy in your words. Thank you.

  3. mkwewer said

    Good for you! I love to hear you so hopeful and happy! Gives me hope.

  4. mona said

    Landed on your blog when I did a google search for 5w 4 days!
    Thats where I’m at and feeling very nervous as I lost the baby last time around 6 weeks 😦 Your blog does give me a lot of hope. I’m happy for you and hope you have a happy 40 weeks and a healthy boy/girl.

  5. Bluebird said

    I can only imagine that this isn’t always easy, but I’m so proud of you for your outlook!! I read a “mantra” on a chat board that I said I’d repeat to myself if I’m ever pregnant again: “Today I am pregnant and I love my baby.” That’s all we can ask for, I suppose 🙂 Enjoy!

  6. Carly said

    I am so happy that you can look forward Heather, that is really awesome!

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